DMCA Takedown service

Protect your
Digital Content Personal Brand Revenue Reputation |

We safeguard your revenue, digital content and brand from copyright infringement.

Ways we can help

Reclaim your revenue

Piracy hurts your earnings. Reclaim what is rightfully yours.

Protect your reputation

Guard against impersonators to safeguard your brand.

Manage Consent

Protect your self-worth by retrieving pirated content to safeguard your physical autonomy.

Reduce Stress

These content leaks are troubling. Keep your focus on your strengths and prioritize optimal health.


As the majority of our customers are OnlyFans models, we have firsthand knowledge of their difficulties and understand the plight they face. We have been protecting their content from copyright infringements for five years straight, and this has helped us become experts in the field.

Our copyright experts persist in customizing Rulta’s services for clients, particularly OnlyFans models. No matter what you are experiencing, we have already dealt with it.

Identity protection

ModelDefend takes extra precaution to keep your identity hidden. It fills the DMCA complaint for you, protecting your anonimity.


Your brand is safeguarded from fake accounts, catfishes, and harassment from imposters.

We report unauthorized posts on the following platforms: Reddit, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, Youtube, Facebook, Discord.

Artificial Intelligence

The facial recognition software and a variety of algorithms help to protect your content from copyright infringements.

These are employed especially on: Google Images, Google Videos, Twitter, Tiktok.

Personal Agent

Our trained agents manually scan for copyright infringements – using your username and keywords of your choice.

How we do it

Avanced software that crawls the internet for copyright infringements

Along our avanced software we provide manual, comprehensive scans completed by our trained agents. We inspect:

Fast takedown and delisting

We remove any illegal copy of your content that we detected

Once the infringing content is detected, our trained agents take action by issuing ModelDefend takedown notices to the competent internet authority.

We have a track record of removing 100 percent of the reported infringing content from Google Search, Google Video and Google Images results. Microsoft Bing is another search engine we cover.


Hear From Our Clients

Civility vicinity graceful is it at. Improve up at to on mention perhaps raising.
Way building not get formerly her peculiar.

Worldwide Experience

We provide quality services
anywhere you are

Websites crawled
0 k+
Results removal
0 %
Url removal
0 %
Content creators
0 k

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ModelDefend protects your revenue, digital content and brand from copyright infringement.

© 2024 ModelDefend. All rights reserved.